Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Welcome To Our Blog!

Hey girls! This is our official blog of tippies-for-girls! We are coming from Polyvore.com, and we will be posting our tips here + our videos and more! So follow and check us out!

This is our Polyvore account:
Request tips, icons, etc.!

Are Poly-tippers so far are:
~Kolby [myself] http://kolbster.polyvore.com/
~Christine http://magic-mimi.polyvore.com/
~Elana http://fashiongurl777.polyvore.com/
~Holly http://hollybear73.polyvore.com/
~Gina http://ginaheartscupcakes.polyvore.com/

The founders of tippies-for-girls are Christine and I :) We are here to help you with life with tips! So request, request, request!

Hope you enjoy our upcoming posts!